As part of a total Civil Engineering Service, the C.E. RAINES COMPANY provides MS4 NPDES permit compliance assistance. Our staff prepares annual reports for municipalities and school districts for submission to the State of Michigan. We plan, track, and monitor the implementation of these programs for our clients throughout the year. We assist our clients in the development of their Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP), Public Education Plan (PEP), Illicit Pollution Prevention Plans (IDEP), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Initiative (SWPPI), and Facility Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). Our staff also has the experience and expertise for assisting our clients in producing a program to insure compliance with federal and state laws and leading the client through a successful MDRNE MS4 NPDES Audit.
Charles E. Raines Co.
17700 Fort Street Riverview, MI 48193
Phone: 734-285-7510
Fax: 734-285-7572